2024 Diary
Below you will find a diary of events for 2024, all events are colour coded as follows:
- Red - Social
- Green - Open Water Training
- Blue - Diving
- Violet - Proposed/Organiser required
- Yellow - Lecture Refresher
- Orange - Pool Refresher
- Pink - Committee Meeting
For more information on any of the events below please contact the event organiser.
This diary was last updated on: 16th December 2024 - 14:41 UTC
Date | Event Details | Organiser |
17th January | AGM Meeting | Seb |
19th January | AGM Meal | Greg |
06th Feb | Committee Meeting | Greg |
02nd - 03rd March | Dive Show | All |
12th March | Committee Meeting | Greg |
14th - 18th March | Sound of Mull - Sports Divers+ | Clive |
23rd - 24th March | Training Weekend | Lee Ingram |
05th April @19:30 | Skittles Evening - Royal Oak - Gnosnall | Roland |
08th April @19:30 | Chuuk Lagoon Presentation - Bird-in-Hand Pub | Seb |
09th April | Committee Meeting | Greg |
13th - 14th April | Plymouth - Sport Divers+ | Greg |
27th April 9am | Dry Dive - Rubgy | CANCELLED |
29th April @19:30 | Preserving the Ocean Presentation - Bird-in-Hand Pub | Seb |
06th May | Committee Meeting | Greg |
13th May @19:30 | Mexico Photo Evening - Bird-in-Hand Pub | Peter |
18th - 19th May | St Abbs - Ocean Divers+ | Stuart Oakley |
01st - 02nd June | Lundy - Ocean Divers+ | Adrian |
04th June | Committee Meeting | Greg |
08th - 09th June | Training Weekend | Steve B. |
10th June @19:30 | Red Sea Presentation - Bird-in-Hand Pub | Steve B |
15th - 22nd June | Medes - Ocean Divers+ | Rol |
19th June | EGM Meeting | Greg |
02nd July | Committee Meeting | Greg |
13th - 14th July | Training Weekend | Steve B. |
20th - 21st July | Pembroke - Ocean Divers+ | Robin |
13th August | Committee Meeting | Greg |
19th - 26th August | Madeira - Sports Divers+ | Lee |
31st August | Club BBQ | Steve B |
07th - 08th September | Training Weekend | Steve B. |
10th September | Committee Meeting | Greg |
13th - 20th September | Red Sea - Sport Divers+ | John Baker |
21st - 22nd September | Plymouth - Sport Divers+ | Dave Burkey |
25th September - 02nd October | Cuba - Ocean Divers+ | CANCELLED |
08th October | Committee Meeting | Greg |
05th November | Committee Meeting | Greg |
06th November | Capernwray Firework Day and Evening - Ocean Divers+ | Rich |
22nd November | Awards Evening | Jacqui |
03rd December | Committee Meeting | Greg |
14th December | Christmas Meal | Greg |
28th December | Capernwray | Seb |
29th December | Capernwray | Rich |
If you are a member of the club and are organising an event which you would like to be added to the diary, please contact us indicating the type of event (social, training, diving, proposed, lecture or pool), the date, details and name of the organiser.